the mathsmith collage

the mathsmith collage

Sunday, September 9, 2012

#made4math Monday Week 11 - Absent Work Bulletin Board

I updated my "Currently in Algebra" board to be more resourceful:

I posted the bell ringers for the week 
along with folders (from Target) for absent work.

Between this and printing out guided notes, 
this helps catch absent students up pretty quickly.  
So far, it's working well.

Addition:  I updated/revised my teacher binder:

I replaced the grade book section with discipline.
This includes office referrals and homework excuse notes.
I found that with my "fluid" rosters (changing a lot due to transfers),
it was easier to just use progress book.

I replaced the front "My Weekly Planner" with the current week's lesson plan.
When I used the dry erase marker,  it got smudged by the pencil pouch in front of it.  
I look for the current week's lesson plan the most, so I moved it to the front.
When this week's over, I'll move it back and move the next week's plan forward.

1 comment:

  1. I need to do some rethinking on my binder too.. Maybe that will happen soon :)
