I can't make up my mind whether to put sunny or signy. Also, the lettering to sun ratio is not guaranteed to scale. This is a loose reference to the TV show "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". To be honest, I've never watched the TV show and know very little about it. However, when I got the idea for the brick wall, this was the pun that came to mind...and I haven't bothered to think of any others.
I know it'll be tricky to see the yellow lettering on the brick wall, which is why I used a drop shadow on gimp. IRL, I will cut out yellow and black letters to give the same effect.
So...opinions? Do you like it? Which should I use? Sunny or signy?
I like sunny better - because it looks like a sun! Here is what I would do to make it all POP. I would print everything you want out in the biggest print possible on yellow card stock, then I would glue that onto black card stock and give it a border rather than a drop shadow. Such an awesome idea though! I had a colleague who didn't have windows but he loved it because his room always was nice an cool.