the mathsmith collage

the mathsmith collage

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

New Widget - Common Core Standards

A friend posted a pin on pinterest for a common core standards widget/app.  You can either download this as an app for your Android or iPhone, OR you can add the widget to your blog!  Since my husband uses the iPod touch more than I do, I chose to add the common core standards as a widget to my blog.

You can see the widget to the right of my blog page (it says "common core app") and click on it and go to any set of standards for math or english.  This is going to be SO helpful for this upcoming year since we are adopting the common core standards and going through curriculum review.

BTW, I'm SO excited for next week's #Made4Math Monday...I've already been working on some stuff for it!


  1. yay for #made4math :) I'll be in a workshop next week, so I wrote my post today and *hope* that the auto-post works! Thanks for sharing about the widget!

    1. i just did that today, too! since we are moving, who knows what we'll be doing on monday...
